The Ann Arbor Art Center located in (where else?) Ann Arbor, MI has just completed a major renovation to the tune of $5.3 million dollars. This includes purchasing the adjacent building (the blue fronted building, left in the image above) which has added 3,600 additional square feet. The street level addition has been turned into a new gallery. This is important because the original building’s gallery was located up a flight of stairs. This was not particularly conducive to attracting public attention from passing pedestrians. Besides adding the gallery the Center has also added several new studios including an upgraded ceramics processing room.
I was honored to be asked to exhibit five framed drawings in the gallery shop during the 2022 inaugural grand opening of the remodeled center. The works include Cat’s cradle, Still Life with Bird, Morning Rendezvous, Claudia in Spring, and Adoring Nature.
With the entire building remodeled it truly is a gem in our town.