Archives :

  • EXPO 44

    I am one of 15 artists selected for the EXPO 44 International Juried Competition, a digital exhibit sponsored by B. J. Spoke Gallery of Huntington, New York. The jury process sought artists with a unified body of work, and six of my drawings are included in the show. They included “Measuring the Distance between Flowers […]

  • Tales From The Aviary

    I’m honored that the talented multi-award winning contemporary classical music composer Jordan Jinosko used my artwork for her recent album entitled “Tales From The Aviary”. She writes: For this upcoming release, I was lucky enough to collaborate with the brilliant fine artist David Hile who generously provided his drawing Angle of the Rescued Nest for […]

  • 50 Years as an Artist

    Every year Monroe County Community College, my Alma mater where I first decided to become an artist hosts two visiting artists. The artists come from all over the country and do a workshop in their selected media with a class of students followed by an audio/visual presentation of their work which is open to the […]

  • On Giving Back

    My belief is that we should all attempt to support charitable causes as we are able. My wife and I have made it a policy over our 39 years of married life to donate a minimum of 10% of our income to support causes that we feel are important to us. These include giving to […]

  • Anything Goes

    I was delighted to have one of my drawings selected as part of the Guild of Artist and Artisan’s juried  “Anything Goes” exhibit at the Gutman Gallery located in Ann Arbor, MI. It is the third annual exhibition highlighting regional artists working in different mediums, styles, and covering diverse subject matter. My entry titled “sow/grow/reap’ […]

  • Drawing Discourse

      I was honored to be included in the international juried drawing exhibition, “The 14th Annual Drawing Discourse” at the University of North Carolina – Ashville. My entry, “Adoring Nature” was one of 65 drawings selected from 938 entries from 6 different countries by juror Charles Richie. The show runs from January 13 through February […]

  • 100th All Media Exhibition

    Established in 1922, the All Media Exhibition at the Ann Arbor Art Center (A2AC) has a long and rich history. In its 100th and final year, the exhibition will showcase regional talent in the facility’s new street facing gallery. The juried competition is open to all artists, 18 years and older, who live in the […]

  • Holiday Sale 2022

    I got a request from the Ann Arbor Art Center to send over several options for their annual Holiday Sale, and they picked the three framed original drawings below (clockwise from upper left: “The Stray”, “Mourning Sunrise” and “Troubled Man and the Comforter”). This will be in addition to the four pieces I currently have […]

  • The Ann Arbor Art Center Grand Opening

    The Ann Arbor Art Center located in (where else?) Ann Arbor, MI has just completed a major renovation to the tune of $5.3 million dollars. This includes purchasing the adjacent building (the blue fronted building, left in the image above) which has added 3,600 additional square feet. The street level addition has been turned into […]

  • The Chris Nordin Gallery

    There is a new art gallery in my town of Ann Arbor, MI, founded by the very talented glass artist Chris Nordin. Originally the gallery building was used by Chris as an office for meetings with commercial and residential patrons of his glass blowing and glass sculpture studio. But in May he launched the grand […]