My drawing “Lady in the Shallows” has been accepted into Core New Art Space’s national invitational exhibit titled “Aqua” running from Sept 11 through Sept 27, 2020 in Lakewood, CO.

As stated in the exhibit’s prospectus: “While there is that gorgeous greenish-blue color that can range from vibrant to serene and all shades in between, there is also the Latin root meaning of “water”. This could be the sea, rain, ponds, lakes, tears, creatures that live in or on water and an ocean of other ideas. Float towards whatever direction this river may take you because all mediums and disciplines (minus videos/installations) are encouraged.”
Chris Stevens, Curator at Curtis Center Greenwood Village was selected as the judge of the show, and criteria was based on overall impact, content, composition and mastery of techniques.
This is the 4th major art exhibition in which “Lady in the Shallows’ has been shown.
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